Friday, October 29, 2010

Why I’m voting for the North American Flat Earth Party

Ok, so the title is complete fiction. It was a sneaky trick to make you read this blog. Face it: would you really click on a link called “how I’m voting this year?” But since you already fell for the ruse, you might as well punish yourself by reading the rest.

A good picture of California’s current situation is the iceberg-stricken Titanic as it stands up on end for the final plunge into the north Atlantic. Unemployment stands at a staggering 12.4%—the third worst in the nation
[i],[ii]. Companies and people are leaving the state in record numbers[iii],[iv]. We flush 40% of our state budget down the toilet of an education system that ranks, by some measurements, 47th in the nation[v],[vi]. The LA Times estimates our current budget deficit at $26.3 billion[vii].

The best thing we could do right now is to detach ourselves from the continental shelf and drift out into the Pacific to shelter the rest of the nation from our doom.

The second best thing would be armed revolution. (Dear Homeland Security: this literary device is called satire. Please do not prosecute. Hugs and kisses, Danny)

Failing either of those two highly unlikely events, we’ll have to settle for electing the lesser devils for the various offices in play.

California doesn’t need “green jobs.” It just needs JOBS.

Job creation is not the job of the government (so to speak). It is best left to the private sector. However, this private sector is so saddled with one of the heaviest corporate tax rates
[viii] in the nation and such onerous regulations that it cannot create jobs. Businesses are struggling to survive in a very hostile environment. Other states are offering them incentives to relocate, and they are taking their jobs with them—jobs that could be filled with Californians, but will not, because our government refuses to reverse its anti-business policies.

Allow me to outline my philosophy of government v. private sector:

Government (Fed/State/Municipal) Responsibilities:
  • Military protection from foreign threats
  • Civil protection from domestic threats (police, fire, etc.)
  • Basic infrastructure (roads, bridges, civil planning)
  • Justice (property rights, criminal prosecution, protection of civil liberties, etc.)
Private Sector:
  • Healthcare
  • Charitable assistance
  • Job creation
  • Education
  • Religion

Some of you are reaching for your stash of torches and pitchforks for including education as a private sector responsibility. I have been fortunate enough to attend some excellent public schools—both in the US and Canada. However, the best education I’ve experienced has been in private schools and home schooling.

Should we abolish the department of education? Of course not. But we definitely need to look into alternative solutions to the education problem.

California been paying $35 Billion annually for a very unimpressive education system. And according to one report, our K-12 schools average 47th in the nation
[ix]. That’s a metric TON of money with very little return.

Yet the California Teacher’s Association simply wants to solve the problem with more teachers and more money. How many billions of dollars is enough—$40 billion? $50? Think: a union gets its dues from membership. More members equal more revenue for the union. No amount of money will ever be enough.

Once upon a time, “old school” labor unions established bilateral partnerships with employers—especially in the skilled trades. The union provided management with highly trained employees, and management paid the union employees well. If managers had a problem with an employee, they talked with the union, and the union would send the employee to another location. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement.

What benefit does the CTA provide the California Department of Education—or better question—what benefit does it provide students and parents? This one-way advantage is a severe flaw that results in lack of accountability cripples the entire system.

A reorganized education system needs to channel the majority of funds to the better performing public schools, as well as to charter schools and even private schools. Parents should be able to send their kids to the public school of their choice without jumping through bureaucratic hoops. It would provide incentive for all schools to get their act together.

Underperforming schools that cannot improve should be closed and have their personnel, funding, assets and property distributed to the healthy schools. And find a way to fire bad teachers. Oh, but the CTA wants none of it because its interests are in conflict with the educational system.

Another idea: what if we eliminate some of the highly-paid middle management positions? Their salaries could be re-designated to hire (gasp) more teachers, reducing class sizes and even bringing in more revenue to the CTA in the way of more membership. Sounds like a win-win to me, no?

Anyway, as I wade through next week’s ballot of school board positions, propositions, and state and federal offices, I will be keeping these things in mind. I know I won’t get everything I want, but I will be using my vote to try to move things in this general direction.

Time permitting, I may itemize my ballot selections online before Tuesday, so you can criticize me roundly. I look forward to the hailstorm of tough love by way of your comments. =-)

[i] California unemployment rate:
[ii] National unemployment rates:
[iii] California corporate exodus:
[iv] California population exodus:
[v] California state budget: (
[vi] California K-12 rankings:
[vii] LA Times budget deficit: (,0,95571.htmlstory)
[viii] State tax rates:
[ix] California K-12 rankings:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

On Kids and Healing

Case #1:
When she was just a year and a half old, my mother contracted the Polio virus. Thousands of people prayed for her—Christians throughout the world, churches, leaders, and even evangelists renowned for healing ministries. She survived, but she’s had to live with an unhealed, crippled leg her entire life.

Case #2:
Three years ago, my brother-in-law Ramon developed an extremely rare form of cancer. Hundreds of people and many churches prayed and interceded for his healing. Ramon died just seven months after his diagnosis, and his dreams of filmmaking died with him.

Case #3:
Around the same time, my wife was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. We prayed intensely for her healing, but in the end, a surgeon removed her thyroid gland and she underwent radioactive iodine treatment to kill any stray thyroid cells. Thankfully, she is now cancer free, but the answer was medical, not supernatural.

In recent years, I’ve begun to ask myself if supernatural healing is sort of a Christian urban legend—the product of exaggerated email forwards and emotional myth-propagation with no academic scrutiny.

But if I believe in an all-powerful God who constructed a mind-blowingly complex universe with mathematical perfection, and who spawned cell-based life with its mechanical and chemical intricacy, could this Being not also repair what has become damaged? You know—a sort of manufacturer warranty? Logically, I must accept that God can heal supernaturally.

The issue then becomes why doesn’t He heal supernaturally?

As I was reading Mark’s gospel the other day, I was struck with the part where the children come to Jesus. You all know the tale: kids come to Jesus, the disciples get all high and mighty and try to drive them away. Jesus scolds the disciples and tells them they need to be more like those kids if they want to see the Kingdom of God.

It occurred to me that these kids were some of the only people that came to Jesus without an agenda or preconceived notions. They didn’t want to challenge Him on questions of theology, or ask Him for fish sandwiches, deliverance or even healing. They just wanted Him.

As I thought about these things, I thought I heard a small voice asking me something like, “You’re hung up on your experiences. Can’t you just let them go and believe in Me?”

I’ll bet if you told those kids that Jesus heals the sick and raises the dead, they’d say “of course He can.” The rest of us want to qualify it, challenge it, or dismiss it altogether. But that’s not the way to participate in the Kingdom.

Can I just be ok with the fact that sometimes He heals, and sometimes He doesn’t? Do I really have to understand everything He does or doesn’t do?

This is an issue I’m still struggling with, and have been for a long time. I don’t expect a glory cloud to descend on me with all the answers any time soon. But I think these little Jewish kids from Jesus’ day may have helped me out a bit.